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Top Five Common SEO Tactics Hurting Your Google Ranking and How to Avoid Them

Blog / Top Five Common SEO Tactics Hurting Your Google Ranking and How to Avoid Them

photo of a computer with search results of homes for sale.

If you’re a real estate agent looking to grow your online presence, you’re probably using some common SEO tactics.

However, did you know that some of these tactics could actually do more harm than good when it comes to your Google ranking?

In this article, we’ll explore the top five common SEO tactics that are outdated and harmful, and how you can avoid them to stay in Google’s good graces while growing your real estate business.

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By avoiding these outdated SEO tactics and focusing on high-quality, natural content, you can improve your Google ranking and grow your real estate business. SEO is a long-term strategy that requires consistent effort, but it can yield significant results.

If you need help with your website, ranking, or lead generation, consider booking a free consultation with me. My team and I offer full-service marketing, including web design, branding, and coaching. Additionally, we provide an All-in-One Real Estate Website and Funnel System that is designed to streamline your online presence and boost lead generation.

Get access to the most elite-level training & resources to help you skyrocket production in any market condition.

Learn more about how to become a Modern Agent that drives more leads and closes more deals, and what my group is doing differently to empower agents that no one else is doing here at eXp Realty. Learn how to keep more of your money all while building a solid real estate business.

Based on 15 years of experience & client reviews